EXCELLENT (+15 feelings)
GOOD (+)
BAD (-)

choosing Good and Bad will end the date


Keep silent (none)
Make a lie (none)

DATES: (not in order / in random)

I've never been to a club (Good)
Yeah, I go clubbing recently (Bad)
Just one time with my friend (Excellent)

We were just dancing (Bad)
I chatted with my friends (Excellent)
We drank (Good)

You can just try (Bad)
Let's not go there (Good)
I don't like club parties either (Excellent)
Do you need any help? (Excellent)
May I look at you? (Good)
I go back so as not to disturb (Bad)

I'm going to wing to fertilize (Bad)
Do you want me to do the weeding? (Excellent)
I'll bring water (Good)

What's the name of this flower? (Good)
Flowers make me feel better (Bad)
What kind of flower do you like? (Excellent)
Can you give me a piggyback ride? (Bad)
I can't climb up anymore (Good)
I'm good. I actually feel good (Excellent)

The air is so fresh! (Good)
I want to climb back down (Excellent)
I want to drink juice (Bad)

Let's go back (Bad)
I will try (Excellent)

Let's run up the mountain (Good)
Let's go to the police station (Good)
Let's find it together (Excellent)
Let's stop your phone account (Bad)

You are too clumsy! (Bad)
Please calm down (Good)
Can you retrace your steps today (Excellent)

You surprised me! (Good)
I'm glad you found your phone! (Excellent)
You just gave me a false alarm.. (Bad)
I hope you like it. (Bad)
You don't like homemade food? (Good)
Are you glad? (Excellent)

Do you want to eat now? (Good)
Let's take a walk (Excellent)
Do you want to ride a boat? (Bad)

Let's just relax (Excellent)
Let's have fun! (Good)
Let's just have a little fun (Bad)
I don't know (Bad)
I want to work on sales (Good)
I wanna work in public relations (Excellent)

Do you want to be an engineer? (Excellent)
Do you want to be a clerk? (Good)
I think working is not for you (Bad)

I'm sure we can have a good job (Excellent)
Let's take it easy (Bad)
I'm always on your side (Good)
I can't get it. (Bad)
I think so (Excellent)
You like this dusty smell? (Good)

I like quiet (Excellent)
I like noise (Bad)
I like it more smaller better (Good)

Let's go back home (Bad)
Let's stay here until night (Excellent)
Can I take a nap here? (Good)

Note: Kindly comment below if there are missing scenes or mistakes ><)/ Thanks ^O^)/


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